Sara Tabatabaee, Mahsa Delyanee, Reza Samanipour Amirhossein Tavakoli


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In this research, an allograft mineralized bone block was processed through decellularizing and lyophilizing after approving sterility evaluations of donors. According to SEM images, Bone block was an interconnected porous structure with pore sizes ranging between 124 and 930 µm which comprised various sizes desirable for bone regeneration. Also, emergence of hydroxyapatite crystals on the scaffold after immersing in simulated body fluid indicated its bioactivity. Furthermore, its mechanical strength was 33.10 ± 0.34 MPa which is suitable for a bone scaffold as load-bearing tissue. The successful decellularization was approved by hematoxylin–eosin staining assay and scaffold exhibited no cytotoxicity utilizing MTT test. Furthermore, obtained SEM images after cell seeding as well as DAPI staining results demonstrated the supporting of cell attachment and proliferation by scaffold. Therefore, it could be concluded that prepared allograft mineralized bone block is an appropriate candidate for bone tissue regeneration in periodontology.

برای دانلود کلیک
نمایید مقالات مرتبط با این محصول: Allograft mineralized bone block; A suitable substitute for bone regeneration – Regen Allograft

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